Have you ever considered helping others with celiac disease? Are you interested in meeting others while providing service to the gluten-free community? One way to help is by joining one of our committees. These committees focus on specific goals, events or developing resources for our member families. We have committees focused on food insecurity, event planning, welcoming new families and more.
Anyone is welcome to serve on these committees.
The committees are:
Awareness and Advocacy – This group’s focus is to raise awareness and participate in advocacy for celiac disease and celiac research at the local, state and federal level. We meet the fourth Friday of the month at 3:30 pm
Communications/Social Media – This group’s focus is all of the ways we communicate such as newsletters, social media, website and more. We will ensure that those tools are working well for our group and our members. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm.
Food Insecurity – This group’s focus is helping families in need and educating service providers (like food banks and shelters) about the gluten-free diet. We meet the first Monday of the month at 11 am and the third Friday of the month at 3:30 pm.
Fundraising – This group is focused on raising funds to support the work of Celiac Kids Connection and the Celiac Program at Boston Children’s Hospital. We meet the second Friday of the month at 11 am
Membership Connection /Social Events – This group plans our events like the Holiday Party and Celiac Smarts. We also will be planning smaller group events based on specific regions or ages. We work with our mentoring program, our Pen Pal program and other avenues of member support. We meet on the fourth Wednesday at 7:30 pm.
Welcome New Members-Â This group is focused on assisting new families learn to live with celiac disease and the gluten-free diet. Assuring that new families know all of the ways CKC can help. We meet on the first Wednesday at 1:30 pm.
If you are interested in helping with any of these committees in a small or large way, please contact us. If you are interested in one of these committees but are unable to attend the meetings, we are happy to talk with you about how you can support the group’s efforts with specific tasks